Thursday, May 6, 2010


Posted by Cinta Hatiku at 4:44 PM
To Ibu Luqman ni jawapan saya..terima kasih sebab tag saya

1.How old were you when your first child was born

26 years and 23 days

2.What month and year was your youngest child born
May 2009

3.How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant
Alhmadulillah..bersyukur sesangat..

4.Who did you tell first
Mesti la kalau nak beritahu En suami kena tahu dulu..tapi apakan daya..En suami di KL saya plak di JB..kebetulan my sister yang bawak ke KLINIK pasal saya tak she the first one who yang tahu result..haih~ pastu dia pulak yg excited..ekekeke

5.How many pounds/kg did you gain during your first pregnancy

6.What did you crave while you were pregnant
My first child asyik nak makan siakap yg tak dpt rambutan gading sampai la bersalin..yang 2nd nak makan duku..pun tak dapat..haih~ nasib la kamu anak..mintak time takde..

7.Did you find out the gender of your first child? Why or why not
Yes of course..coz I’m so excited ..excited nak beli barang baby..

8.Did you have any complications during your pregnancy
First child complication on 7 months plus..terasa ada contraction..pastu bleeding ckit..after injection premature diberikan terus stop..kire macam main acah acah plak..ekekeke..yang 2nd pun sama..ada complications..1st morning, evening sicknes..muntah ajer.. from 2 months to 5 month..and bleeding..masuk hospital 3 kali..ekekeke..kena tahan sebab bleh bahayakan kandungan..

9.How much did your first child weight

10.Was your first child early, late, or on time
Early 1 month..sama jugak yang 2nd ni..awal 1 bulan..

11.What is the most difficult challenge or health issue that any of your children have faced
2nd child admitted sebab jaundice..kuning yang berpanjangan..2 kali keluar masuk wad..n jemur..kali ke 3 masuk akibat jangkitan kuman kat usus..(jangkit from hospital)

12.What's your favorite part of being a mom
Terlalu banyak ..semuanye fav…sebab saya takde yg tak fav la bile jadi seorg ibu…

13.Do you think it's easier to be a mom or a dad
Masa belum jadi tu selalu gak cakap mudah bile dah jadi..tahu la camne susahnye menjadi seorang ibu ni..kalau bleh semua nak yang terbaik tuk anak..

14.What is the best piece of advice you could give to someone who is about to have their first child
Jaga kesihatan diri dan kandungan..always prepared..dan rajin membaca..

15.Did you always think you'd have kids
Mesti la..

16.What's been the biggest surprise about motherhood
Soalan ni aku musykil ckit nak jawab..kejutan terbesar tentang ibu yer..hmm..tah la takleh nak jawab..wakakakaka..

17.Are there things you miss about life before kids
HoHoHo..soalan ..takde kot

18.How many children do you have
2 childrens..1 boy and 1 girl

19.Do you plan to have any more children
Always rezeki blum ada kot..

20.Who's the mom that you admire most
Semua orang akan jawab mak sendiri..tak kan mak jiran sebelah kot ..wakakaka

Semua org sibuk tag orang..saya malas nak tag..kepada kengkawan yang nak buat atau jawab tag seperti diatas..silakan yer..nak gak tahu ..saya tak paksa ..

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